Social Media for Independent Retailers

Learn How To Use Social Media to Increase Footfall & Sales

This course is specifically designed for Independent Retailers to learn how to get the best out of social media to increase footfall and sales. 

All of the major social media platforms will be covered; 


Setting Up Accounts 

Choosing An Account Name 

Uploading Pictures to Accounts 

What Content to Publish 



Different etiquette on the different Social Media Platforms. 


How to encourage sales, without being labelled "spam". 




The Course is Delivered through: 

4 x 2 hour Webinars (One each week) 


An online support group for asking questions in between webinars. 


30 minute one 2 one consultancy for all course participants. 



When does the course start?



Monday 16th September, running for 4 consecutive weeks. 



Beginners Guide to Social Media for Indie Retail:


Ideal for those without any experience (or very little) of social media, sets a good foundation and understanding of each social media platform, what you can expect, and how to use it to attract more customers. 

The Webinar Training starts at 6pm with an hour of content delivery and guided learning tutorials  (So that you can implement the knowledge immediately). 




Social Media Training for Retail (MasterClass):


For those who are familiar with using social media platforms, this training is designed to help refine & create more effective strategies.  You'll come up with new promotions, and ways of engagement to bring more people into your business.
The Masterclass Webinar Training starts at 8.30pm with an hour of content delivery and guided learning tutorials  (So that you can implement the knowledge immediately). 



The Group for asking questions & receiving ongoing support during the course  is opened on Monday 2nd September, 2 weeks before the first webinar training.   

(The group will remain open with input from the trainer for 2 weeks after the course is complete)




Book Your Place on Social Media for Indie Retailers

Costs are reduced dramatically because the content is delivered in a group setting.  Our Standard one 2 one consultancy rates are £150 per hour, however we realise these are challenging times, so in partnership with Clare Rayner, we've tailored this course at a price that works for Indie Retailers, rather than against. 

Therefore, the whole 4 week course will be £120 per person attending, and 50% off for a 2nd person from the same organisation. 



If you want to book your place (Places are limited to a maximum of 8 people on each course, so it is advisable to book as soon as possible)  


Please use the paypal buttons below, if you want to book the beginners course, use the beginners button, and the Masterclass button for the Masterclass course :)  



Book Your Place on

Beginners Guide To Social Media for Retail

Ticket Type

Social Media Training for Retail (MasterClass)

Ticket Type

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